
Tarh va Nezarat

Consulting Engineers

This company has been registered at the general office for registration of companies, ministry of justice, holding reg. No. 43473.

This co. is also a member of Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers; This consulting engineers company started services in Tehran since 1981 until now, accomplished various projects completion, total value of 1240 billion Rls.

This company has 56 full time technical staff, experts & official and several top ranked part time experts from the consulting man power.

Summary of executed or in the process projects of this consulting engineers company during these 43 years.

  • Project of Chabahar desalting plant with daily capacity of 30,000 cubic meters of water including vaporizing system with an estimation of $30.000,000. +25 billion Rls.
  • Industrial projects of Iran Trucks Manufacturing Plants, Iran Blacksmithing Company, Moulding Company, Industrial Services and Engine Manufacturing Company, including infrastructure projects. Industrial sites development with Lost Foam method and Steam network development.
  • Development projects of Pars Khodro automobile manufacturing company, manufacturer of Patrol, Jeep and Maxima automobiles. Project of 25,000 square meters salon for frame manufacturing, Mechanical and electrical installations of the factory.
  • Comprehensive project of fire alarming and extinguishing system of Iran Khodro car manufacturing company, manufacturer of Peugeot and Peykan automobiles, bus and mini bus, for 400,000 square meters of industrial salons.
  • Executive projects of Noshahr Marine Science University including public auditorium, sport stadium, amphitheater, indoor pool and also infrastructure projects.
  • Design of Ardebil industrial slaughterhouse project with a capacity of 4,000 heads of sheep and 250 heads of cows in a shift, on a 400,000 square meters of land, and 18,000 square meters salon and 3,000 tons cold store.
  • Supervising CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) project on over 700 branches of Bank Melli Iran all over the country with the estimation about 220 billion Rls.
  • Designing and supervising executive projects of Tehran Fire Fighting and Safety Services Organization on proximately 40 Fire Fighting stations in Tehran City with the estimation about 160 billion Rls.

This is to certify that TARH VA NEZARAT Co. with Notary registration date 1981 has been qualified as a consultant in the following fields by the Consultants and Contractors of Management and Planning Organization Republic of Iran:


Rank Granted

Max Rank Available

Specializing in Residential, Commercial, Administrative, Industrial & Military Complexes



Specializing in Structural Engineering



Specializing in Electrical & Mechanical Utilities



Specializing in Stel Mill & Industry Complexes